Title: Day 69 - Meta-Arguments in Terraform

Title: Day 69 - Meta-Arguments in Terraform

Are you ready to delve deeper into the powerful world of Terraform? Today, in our ongoing journey through the 90daysofdevops challenge, we're going to explore two fundamental meta-arguments in Terraform: count and for_each. These meta-arguments allow you to dynamically create multiple instances of resources based on certain conditions, providing flexibility and efficiency in your infrastructure provisioning process.

Meta-arguments in Terraform are special arguments that can be used with resource blocks and modules to control their behavior or influence the infrastructure provisioning process. They provide additional configuration options beyond the regular resource-specific arguments.

Meta-Arguments in Terraform are as follows:

  1. depends_on: Specifies dependencies between resources. It ensures that one resource is created or updated before another resource.

  2. count: Controls resource instantiation by setting the number of instances created based on a given condition or variable.

  3. for_each: Allows creating multiple instances of a resource based on a map or set of strings. Each instance is created with its unique key-value pair.

  4. lifecycle: Defines lifecycle rules for managing resource updates, replacements, and deletions.

  5. provider: Specifies the provider configuration for a resource. It allows selecting a specific provider or version for a resource.

  6. provisioner: Specifies actions to be taken on a resource after creation, such as running scripts or executing commands.

  7. connection: Defines the connection details to a resource, enabling remote execution or file transfers.

  8. variable: Declares input variables that can be provided during Terraform execution.

  9. output: Declares output values that can be displayed after Terraform execution.

  10. locals: Defines local values that can be used within the configuration files.

Understanding count

The count meta-argument in Terraform enables you to create multiple instances of a resource by specifying a numerical value or the length of a list. Let's break down its usage with a practical example.

Consider the following Terraform code snippet:

variable "subnet_ids" {
  type = list(string)

resource "aws_instance" "server" {
  # Create one instance for each subnet
  count = length(var.subnet_ids)

  ami           = "ami-a1b2c3d4"
  instance_type = "t2.micro"
  subnet_id     = var.subnet_ids[count.index]

  tags = {
    Name = "Server ${count.index}"

let's break down the Terraform code line by line:

variable "subnet_ids" {
  type = list(string)

This block declares a variable named subnet_ids of type list(string). This means it's a list of strings, which will hold the IDs of the subnets where we want to launch instances.

resource "aws_instance" "server" {
  # Create one instance for each subnet
  count = length(var.subnet_ids)

This declares an AWS EC2 instance resource named server. The count attribute specifies how many instances to create. In this case, it will create as many instances as there are elements in the subnet_ids list.

  ami           = "ami-a1b2c3d4"
  instance_type = "t2.micro"

These lines specify the AMI (Amazon Machine Image) and instance type for the EC2 instances. ami specifies the image ID of the Amazon Machine Image to use for the instances, and instance_type specifies the type of instance (in this case, a t2.micro instance).

  subnet_id     = var.subnet_ids[count.index]

This line specifies the subnet ID for each instance. It uses the subnet ID corresponding to the current index of the count loop. So, for each iteration of the loop, it assigns a different subnet ID from the subnet_ids list.

  tags = {
    Name = "Server ${count.index}"

This block adds tags to each instance. In this case, it adds a tag named Name with a value that includes the current index of the loop. This ensures that each instance has a unique name.

Certainly! In Terraform, count is a meta-argument used within resource blocks to create multiple instances of a resource. It allows you to create multiple instances of a resource based on the length of a list or a number.

In this specific code:

  count = length(var.subnet_ids)

The count is set to the length of the list var.subnet_ids, which means Terraform will create as many instances of the aws_instance resource as there are elements in the subnet_ids list.

Now, inside the aws_instance resource block, there's a reference to count.index. This is a special expression in Terraform that gives you the current index of the resource being created within the loop. Since count is used here to create multiple instances, Terraform automatically iterates over the list, and count.index gives you the current index of the iteration.

So, in the line:

  subnet_id     = var.subnet_ids[count.index]

count.index is used to dynamically select the subnet ID from the subnet_ids list based on the current iteration of the loop. For example, if count is set to 3, Terraform will create 3 instances, and count.index will take on values 0, 1, and 2 respectively for each instance. These values are used to access the corresponding element from the subnet_ids list.

This allows each instance to be associated with a different subnet ID from the subnet_ids list, ensuring that each instance is launched in a different subnet as specified in the list.

In summary, this Terraform code creates multiple EC2 instances, with each instance associated with a different subnet specified in the subnet_ids variable. Each instance is tagged with a unique name based on its index in the loop.

Leveraging for_each

While count is suitable for creating multiple instances based on numerical values, for_each provides more flexibility by allowing you to create resources based on the contents of a map or set. Let's see how it works:

locals {
  subnet_ids = toset([

resource "aws_instance" "server" {
  for_each = local.subnet_ids

  ami           = "ami-a1b2c3d4"
  instance_type = "t2.micro"
  subnet_id     = each.key

  tags = {
    Name = "Server ${each.key}"

Sure, let's break down this Terraform code similarly:

locals {
  subnet_ids = toset([

This block declares a local value named subnet_ids. toset() is a function used to convert a list into a set. A set is similar to a list but contains unique elements, meaning each element appears only once. So, in this case, it creates a set containing two subnet IDs.

resource "aws_instance" "server" {
  for_each = local.subnet_ids

This resource block is using for_each, which is another way to create multiple instances of a resource based on a map or set. In this case, it's iterating over the subnet_ids set, so it will create one instance for each unique subnet ID in the set.

  ami           = "ami-a1b2c3d4"
  instance_type = "t2.micro"

These lines specify the AMI and instance type for the EC2 instances, just like in the previous example.

  subnet_id     = each.key # note: each.key and each.value are the same for a set

In this line, each.key is used to access the current element (subnet ID) being iterated over in the set. Since for_each is iterating over a set, both each.key and each.value refer to the same value in this context. So, subnet_id is set to the subnet ID corresponding to the current iteration.

  tags = {
    Name = "Server ${each.key}"

Similarly, here we're tagging each instance with a unique name based on the subnet ID it's associated with.

In summary, this Terraform code creates multiple EC2 instances, with each instance associated with a different subnet ID from the subnet_ids set. The instances are tagged with unique names based on their subnet IDs.


Meta-arguments like count and for_each are indispensable tools in your Terraform arsenal, offering flexibility and scalability in managing your infrastructure. By mastering these concepts, you can efficiently provision resources, adapt to changing requirements, and streamline your DevOps workflows.

Stay tuned for more exciting insights as we continue our journey through the 90daysofdevops challenge. Happy provisioning!