Exploring Docker Operations

Exploring Docker Operations


Welcome back to the 90DaysOfDevOps challenge! On Day 16, we dived into some fundamental Docker operations that play a crucial role in managing containers and images. In this blog post, we'll walk through the tasks I completed, highlighting the importance of each command and how they contribute to efficient DevOps practices.

  1. Using the docker port command: The docker port command proved to be a handy tool in our container management arsenal. By running this command, we were able to list the port mappings for a specific container. This information is invaluable when troubleshooting network-related issues or ensuring that the right ports are exposed and accessible.
docker port <container_name_or_id>
  1. Leveraging docker stats for resource usage insights: For Day 16, we explored the docker stats command, which provides real-time resource usage statistics for one or more containers. Monitoring resource utilization is crucial for optimizing performance, identifying bottlenecks, and ensuring the overall health of your containers.
docker stats <container_name_or_id>
  1. Viewing container processes with docker top: The docker top command allowed us to peek inside a container and view the processes running within. Understanding the processes running in a container is beneficial for debugging and gaining insights into the inner workings of your applications.
docker top <container_name_or_id>
  1. Saving Docker images with docker save: With the docker save command, we were able to export Docker images into a tar archive. This is particularly useful when you need to share images with team members, deploy them in environments with limited internet access, or archive specific versions for future use.
docker save -o <output_tar_file.tar> <image_name_or_id>
  1. Loading Docker images from tar archives with docker load: On the flip side, the docker load command allowed us to import Docker images from a tar archive. This is handy when you receive images from external sources or when you need to restore an archived image back into your Docker environment.
docker load -i <input_tar_file.tar>


Day 16 of the 90DaysOfDevOps challenge exposed us to essential Docker commands for managing containers and images. From inspecting port mappings to monitoring resource usage and exploring container processes, these operations are the building blocks of effective Docker utilization in any DevOps workflow. As we continue this journey, mastering these fundamental tasks will pave the way for more advanced container orchestration and deployment techniques. Stay tuned for more exciting challenges and insights on the DevOps horizon!