Day 40-41: Setting up an Application Load Balancer with AWS EC2 ๐Ÿš€ โ˜

Day 40-41: Setting up an Application Load Balancer with AWS EC2 ๐Ÿš€ โ˜


3 min read

| Basic HTML WEB Page On Apache2 Server in EC2 Instance Using Ubuntu | Create Load Balancer Between Two EC2 Instance | Load balancer Between Two Hosted Apache Web-Severs |

Load balancing is crucial for optimizing resource utilization and ensuring the reliability and performance of applications in large-scale computing systems. In this segment of the 90DaysOfDevOps challenge, we'll explore the process of setting up an Application Load Balancer with AWS EC2.

Task 1: Create a Basic HTML Web Page on Apache2 Server in EC2 Instance using Ubuntu OS

  1. AWS Console Login:

    • Log in to the AWS Console with a root or admin policy user.

    • Navigate to the EC2 service.

  2. Create EC2 Instance:

    • Follow the steps outlined in my previous blog Day 39: AWS and IAM Basics for creating EC2 instances using launch templates.

    • These are my two Ec2 instances(Jhetiya_Server, Champak_Server) which i have launched through Lunch templates.

    • Connect to your instances using SSH.

  3. Upgrade and Install Apache2:

    • Open a terminal and update your instance using apt-get update && apt-get upgrade.

    • Install Apache2 by running apt-get install apache2 on both instances.

    • Start Apache2 with service apache2 start.

  4. Edit Index File:

    • Navigate to the HTML directory with cd /var/www/html/.

    • Check for the index file using ls -a.

    • Edit the index.html file for your specific instance using vim index.html.

    • Copy and save your HTML code.

  5. Congratulations!

    • Your Apache2 web server is now set up.

    • Access your landing page by typing the public IP of your instance into a browser.

Note: You can replace the index file with your own code and upload it to the server.

Task 2: Create an Application Load Balancer - Elastic Load Balancing using AWS EC2 Instance

How to create a load balancer using AWS:

  1. Edit Server's Index File:

    • Make distinct changes in the index file for each server to visualize load balancing.

Create Load Balancing Application:

  1. Load Balancer Setup:

    • In the AWS Console, go to the Load Balancing section and click on "Load Balancers."

    • Create a new load balancer and select "Application Load Balancer."

    • Provide a name and select mapping zones for your region.

  2. Create Security Group:

    • Create a new security group for the load balancer.

    • Set inbound rule to HTTP port 80.

    • Refresh the security group list and select the newly created group.

  3. Create Target Group:

    • In the Load Balancer tab, click on "Create Target Group."

    • Choose the target type as "Instance."

    • Enter the target group name and click "Next."

    • Click on Include as pending below

    • Select instances for load balancing and click "Create Target Group."

  4. Configure Load Balancer:

    • Refresh the Load Balancer tab and select your target group.

    • Associate WAF with Load Balancer:

      • In the Load Balancer tab, edit your load balancer and associate the newly created WAF WebACL.

    • Review the summary and click "Create Load Balancer."

  5. Test Load Balancer:

    • Copy the DNS name from the Load Balancer description.

    • Paste it into a new browser tab and refresh to observe the load balancing effect.

    • Wait for a few minutes if the load balancer takes time to activate.

      • Refresh

  1. Congratulations!

    • You have successfully created an Application Load Balancer for your EC2 instances.

    • View the load balancer details and monitor its performance.

These tasks mark a significant step in optimizing your infrastructure for improved reliability and performance. Stay tuned for more exciting challenges in the 90DaysOfDevOps journey! ๐Ÿš€
