Welcome back to the 90DaysOfDevOps challenge! On Day 17, we embarked on an exciting journey by deploying a Flask app on an EC2 instance using a Dockerfile. In this blog post, we'll explore the steps taken, the Dockerfile used, and the magic behind bringing our Flask application to life on the cloud.
Dockerizing the Flask App:
To kickstart the deployment process, we crafted a Dockerfile, a recipe that defines the environment and instructions for running our Flask application within a Docker container. Let's break down the key elements of the Dockerfile:
# Use an official Python runtime as a parent image
FROM python:3.9.18-slim
# Set the working directory to /app
# Copy the current directory contents into the container at /app
COPY . /app
# Install any needed packages specified in requirements.txt
RUN pip install --no-cache-dir -r requirements.txt
# Make port 5000 available to the world outside this container
# Run when the container launches
CMD ["python", ""]
Understanding the Dockerfile:
Base Image Selection:
We started with an official Python runtime image with version 3.9.18-slim as our base image. Choosing an official image ensures reliability and a well-configured environment.
Setting the Working Directory:
- The
command sets the working directory within the container to/app
, creating a clean and organized structure.
- The
Copying Application Files:
- The
COPY . /app
command copies the contents of the current directory into the/app
directory within the container. This includes our Flask application code and any other necessary files.
- The
Installing Dependencies:
- With
RUN pip install --no-cache-dir -r requirements.txt
, we installed the required Python packages specified in therequirements.txt
file. This step ensures that our Flask app has all the dependencies it needs.
- With
Exposing Port:
- The
command informs Docker that the container will listen on port 5000. It doesn't actually publish the port; it serves as documentation for developers.
- The
Launching the App:
- Finally,
CMD ["python", "
specifies the command to run when the container starts, launching our Flask app.
- Finally,
Deployment on EC2:
After creating the Dockerfile, we proceeded to deploy the Dockerized Flask app on an EC2 instance. The general steps include:
SSH into the EC2 Instance:
- Use SSH to connect to your EC2 instance.
Clone the Repository:
- Clone the repository containing the Dockerfile and Flask app code onto the EC2 instance.
Build and Run the Docker Container:
- Execute commands to build the Docker image and run the container on the EC2 instance.
Pushing to DockerHub:
After successfully building the Docker image, we pushed it to DockerHub for easy access and distribution. Follow these steps:
a. Log in to DockerHub using the following command:
docker login
b. Enter your DockerHub username and password when prompted.
c. Tag your local Docker image with your DockerHub username and repository name:
docker tag <local_image_name> <dockerhub_username>/<repository_name>:<tag>
d. Push the image to DockerHub:
docker push <dockerhub_username>/<repository_name>:<tag>
Ensure your DockerHub repository is set up beforehand.
With these steps completed, our Flask app is now up and running on an EC2 instance, encapsulated within a Docker container. This approach offers scalability, reproducibility, and ease of deployment—a powerful combination for efficient DevOps practices.
Explore the Code on GitHub:
Check out the complete code and the Dockerfile on GitHub. Feel free to fork, clone, and experiment with the setup.
Day 17 of the 90DaysOfDevOps challenge introduced us to the world of Dockerized Flask applications on an EC2 instance. Leveraging Docker for deployment provides a consistent and portable environment, making it an invaluable tool in modern DevOps workflows. Stay tuned for more exciting challenges and insights as we continue our DevOps journey!